No Win, No Fee

Simply put, if your case does not have a successful outcome, you will not have to pay a fee.

When you have lost your job due to unfair circumstances or are facing the prospect of losing your job because of a situation that has arisen with your employer, this is the least likely time you will be able to afford representation.

When our Employment Law Advocates work on a No Win No Fee case, you can be assured they will be aiming to get you the highest settlement they can, in the shortest time frame possible.

“No Win, No Fee” is appropriate for situations where there is a probability of a monetary settlement.

Most “No Win, No Fee” employment advocates charge 1/3 + GST of the final settlement, regardless of which stage the case has been settled.

We take a more ethical approach to No Win, No Fee cases:

  • For “No Win – No Fee” cases that are resolved before applying for mediation you will be charged 25% (1/4) + GST of any financial settlement that is achieved up to the first $20,000 of your settlement and then nothing thereafter.

  • For “No Win – No Fee” cases that are settled after mediation has been filed you will be charged 33.33% (1/3) + GST of any financial settlement that is achieved up to the first $20,000 of your settlement and then nothing thereafter.

  • For “No win – No fee” cases that are resolved after filing in the Employment Relations Authority you will be charged 33.33% (1/3) + GST of any financial settlement agreed by or awarded to you.

    We aim to recover any legal costs as part of any settlement.

    Because the only way to be paid for the time and effort we put in is if we win, we will not take on any cases we do not think will have a successful outcome.

    If you have any questions our fee structure, please feel free to contact us.